We believe
in the pursuit.

We believe
in the pursuit.

Whatever you’re striving for, we believe in the value of that journey.

Today, a lot of that journey is spent in front of a desk. Technology has made it possible to engineer solutions, create art, connect with people and find recreation all from our laptop. The only downside seems to be that our bodies are unnaturally sedentary for most of the day.

To create an illusion of balance, we find ourselves adopting the ‘work hard, play hard’ mindset. For every eight hours at our desk, we try to spend an hour at the gym. A stressful week at work? Spend a weekend lounging. However, this isn’t balance. It is a balancing act.

With Hover, we merge wellness and productivity seamlessly. Whether you’re grinding at your 9-5, working on your passion project or expressing yourself creatively, Hover will level up your pursuit.